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Guide to use Highlight on YouTube

Watch Live Demo of Highlight on YouTube here.

What is Highlight on YouTube?

Highlight is one of the features of Maika Extension operating on YouTube.

Have you ever been watching a YouTube video, found valuable content, and wanted to 'bookmark' those significant moments for later reference? If so, what would you do next? Jot them down in a notebook or open another software to save the just-played content...?

No need for such hassles, as the Highlight feature can help you take notes in a simple and much more convenient way.

When you hover over the playing video, you'll see the Highlight icon. Just click on this icon to instantly create a marker for the current moment in the video. The marked moments will then be saved to Maika Cloud, making it easy for you to access and review them quickly.

What benefits does Highlight on YouTube provide?

The Highlight feature is designed to assist individuals working, researching, and learning in the online environment, particularly on the YouTube platform. With Highlight, the efficiency of collecting and filtering information is significantly enhanced, thanks to its ability to:
Mark the position of crucial content in the video with just a mouse click. The number of markers in a video is unlimited.
Click on a marked content to instantly jump to the corresponding playback section. No need for manual searching, saving time and effort.
Store marked content easily, conveniently accessible for review. You can access it from the Cloud - Content saved on the website.
Add notes to marked segments directly on the page, without opening additional tabs. Easier categorization and management of marked content; quick search when needed.

Using the Highlight Feature on YouTube

You can also follow step-by-step instructions to use this feature.

Hovering over the playing video, you'll see the Highlight icon.

When hovering over any position in the video, the Highlight icon will appear below the timeline of the video.

Click on the Highlight icon to create a marker for the currently playing moment on the screen.

Additionally, when placing the cursor on the video's timeline, you'll also see a faded icon (marked by a red square in the image) appearing above the timeline, accompanied by a thumbnail for the corresponding position in the video.

You can hover over this faded icon and click on it to mark the moment depicted in the thumbnail.


These two Highlight methods differ as follows:
Clicking the Highlight button below the timeline marks the CURRENTLY PLAYING moment and saves it.
Hovering and clicking the faded Highlight button above the timeline marks the moment APPEARING IN THE THUMBNAIL and saves it. In practical use, you can hover over a previously played section to mark it without replaying it.

The list of highlighted moments will appear next to the video

Along with the dialogue spoken in the video at that time.

You can click on a marked point to jump to the corresponding position in the video.

When hovering over a marked item, you can active the sub-menu.

5.1. Change the color of the marker

The first button in the sub-menu allows you to change the color of the Highlight markers, making classification easier.

Simply click on it and choose the color you want for the Highlight.

5.2. Add a comment or note

The middle button in the sub-menu allows you to add your personalized notes, making synthesis, management, and identification of information more convenient.

Simply click on this button, then enter additional comments or notes for the marked moment.

5.3. Delete the marker

If you feel the marker is no longer necessary, you can click the third button in the sub-menu to delete it.

Video URLs and marked items are stored on Maika Cloud.

You can access marked items through the saved content section of the Maika Extension.

Hover over the right margin of the screen to activate it.

Click on the Highlights section.

Videos are saved along with thumbnails. The number below the video indicates the number of moments you have marked.

Click on the thumbnail if you want to review the marked items.

Here, you can manage them effortlessly. Additionally, when opening the Maika Extension on any page, you can quickly access this video for review by clicking the Watch Video button.

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Updated on: 22/04/2024

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